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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Ton of Data Warehousing and Datastage Interview Questions

by Unknown  |  in Q&A at  1:32 AM

·         Types of Stages in DS? Explain with Examples
·         What are active stages and passive stages?
·         Can you filter data in hashed file? (No)
·         Difference between sequential and hashed file?
·         How do you populate time dimension?
·         Can we use target hashed file as lookup? (Yes)
·         What is Merge Stage?
·         What is Job Sequencer?
·         What are stages in sequences?
·         How do you pass parameters?
·         What parameters you used in your project?
·         What are log tables?
·         What is job controlling?
·         Facts and dimension tables?
·         Confirmed dimensions?
·         Difference between OLTP and OLAP?
·         Difference between star schema and snow flake schema?
·         What are hierarchies? Examples?
·         What are materialized views?
·         What is aggregation?
·         What is surrogate key? Is it used for both fact and dimension tables?
·         Why do you go for oracle sequence generator rather than datastage routine?
·         Flow of data in datastage?
·         Initial loading and incremental loading?
·         What is SCD? Types?
·         How do you develop SCD type2 in your project?
·         How do you load dimension data and fact data? Which is first?
·         Difference between oracle function and procedure?
·         Difference between unique and primary key?
·         Difference between union and union all?
·         What is minus operator?
·         What is audit table?
·         If there is a large hash file and a smaller oracle table and if you are looking up from
·         transformer in different jobs which will be faster?
·         Tell me about SCD’s?
·         How did you implement SCD in your project?
·         What are derivations in transformer?
·         How do you use surrogate key in reporting?
·         Logs view in datastage, logs in Informatica which is clear?
·         How does pivot stage work?
·         What is surrogate key? What is the importance of it? How did you implement it in your
·         project?
·         Totally how many jobs did you developed and how many lookups did you use totally?
·         How do constraint in transformer work?
·         How will you declare a constraint in datastage?
·         How will you handle rejected data?
·         Give me some performance tips in datastage?
·         Can we use sequential file as a lookup?
·         How does hash file stage lookup?
·         Why can’t we use sequential file as a lookup?
·         What is data warehouse?
·         What is ‘Star-Schema’?
·         What is ‘Snowflake-Schema’?
·         What is difference between Star-Schema and Snowflake-Schema?
·         What is mean by surrogate key?
·         What is ‘Conformed Dimension’?
·         What is Factless Fact Table?
·         When will we use connected and unconnected lookup?
·         Which cache supports connected and unconnected lookup?
·         What is the difference between SCD Type2 and SCD Type3?
·         What is difference between data mart and data warehouse?
·         What is composite key?
·         What is surrogate key? When you will go for it?
·         What is dimensional modeling?
·         What are SCD and SGT? Difference between them? Example of SGT from your project.
·         How do you import your source and targets? What are the types of sources and targets?
·         What is Active Stages and Passive Stages means in datastage?
·         What is difference between Informatica and DataStage? Which do you think is best?
·         What are the stages you used in your project?
·         What do you mean by parallel processing?
·         What is difference between Merge Stage and Join Stage?
·         What is difference between Copy Stage and Transformer Stage?
·         What is difference between ODBC Stage and OCI Stage?
·         What is difference between Lookup Stage and Join Stage?
·         What is difference between Change Capture Stage and Difference Stage?
·         What is difference between Hashed file and Sequential File?
·         What are different Joins used in Join Stage?
·         How you decide when to go for join stage and lookup stage?
·         What is partition key? Which key is used in round robin partition?
·         How do you handle SCD in datastage?
·         What are Change Capture Stage and Change Apply Stages?
·         How many streams to the transformer you can give?
·         What is primary link and reference link?
·         What is routine? What is before and after subroutines? These are run after/before job or
·         stage?
·         What is Config File? Each job having its own config file or one is needed?
·         What is Node?
·         What is IPC Stage? What it increase performance?
·         What is Sequential buffer?
·         What are Link Partioner and Link Collector?
·         What are the performance tunning you have done in your project?
·         Did you done scheduling? How? Can you schedule a job at the every end date of month?
·         How?
·         What is job sequence? Had you run any jobs?
·         What is status view? Why you clear this? If you clear the status view what internally
·         done?
·         What is hashed file? What are the types of hashed file? Which you use? What is default?
·         What is main advantage of hashed file? Difference between them. (static and dynamic)
·         What are containers? Give example from your project.
·         What are parameters and parameter file?
·         How do you convert columns to rows and rows to columns in datastage? (Using Pivot
·         Stage).
·         What is Pivot Stage?
·         What is execution flow of constraints, derivations and variables in transformer stage?
·         What are these?
·         How do you eliminate duplicates in datastage? Can you use hash file for it?
·         If 1st and 8th record is duplicate then which will be skipped? Can you configure it?
·         How do you import and export datastage jobs? What is the file extension? (See each
·         component while importing and exporting).
·         How do you rate yourself in DataStage?
·         Explain DataStage Architecture?
·         What is repository? What are the repository items?
·         What is difference between routine and transform?
·         When you write the routines?
·         What is the complex situation you faced in DataStage?
·         System variable, what are system variables used your project?
·         What are the different datastage functions used in your project?
·         Difference between star schema and snow flake schema?
·         What is confirmed, degenerated and junk dimension?
·         What are confirmed facts?
·         Different type of facts and their examples?
·         What are approaches in developing data warehouse?
·         Different types of hashed files?
·         What are routines and transforms? How you used in your project?
·         Difference between Data Mart and Data Warehouse?
·         What is surrogate key? How do you generate it?
·         What are environment variables and global variables?
·         How do you improve the performance of the job?
·         What is SCD? How do you developed SCD type1 and SCD type2?
·         How do you generate surrogate key in datastage?
·         What is job sequence?
·         What are plug-ins?
·         How much data you can get every day?
·         What is the biggest table and size in your schema or in your project?
·         What is the size of data warehouse (by loading data)?
·         How do you improve the performance of the hashed file?
·         What is IPC Stage?
·         What are the different types of stages and used in your project?
·         What are the operations you can do in IPC Stage and transformer stage?
·         What is merge stage? How do you merge two flat files?
·         What is difference between ODBC and ORACLE OCI stage?
·         What difference between sequential file and hashed file?
·         Can you use sequential file as source to hashed file? Have you done it? What error it will
·         give?
·         Why hashed file improve the performance?
·         Can aggregator and transformer stage used for sorting data? How
·         How many input links you can give to transformer?
·         Definition of Slowly Changing Dimensions? Types?
·         What is iconv and oconv functions?
·         What is the advantage of using OCI stage as compared to ODBC stage
·         What is the difference between Interprocess and inprocess? Which one is the best?


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