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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cognos Server Installation Guide

by Unknown  |  in Cognos at  7:57 PM

1.  Content Store

Steps for Creating a Content Store in Microsoft SQL Server
1.    If you performed a Typical installation of Microsoft SQL Server, after you install you must Change the authentication mode to SQL Server and Windows.
2.    Create the database.Ensure that the database collation sequence for the content store is case-insensitive.
3.    Determine which user account ReportNet will use to access the content store.
4.    Grant create and drop table privileges for the content store to the user account.
5.    Ensure that the user account is a member of the db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter roles.
6.    Ensure that the user is the owner of their default schema.
7.    In the Congos Configuration Go to Data Access tab->select the database as SQL Server and provide the necessary login details (It includes the user name, Password and the Database to create the content Store).

2.  Java Environment

If you are not using the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that is
Provided with ReportNet, you must ensure that the required .jar (Java Archive) files are present in the JRE that you are using.ReportNet uses the .jar files in cryptographic operations, such as data encryption and key management. If any of the required .jar files are missing, you cannot save your configuration. You must, therefore, check the .jar files before you start Cognos Configuration.ReportNet checks the environment variable JAVA_HOME to locate a JRE. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the location of the JRE that you are using.
You can set JAVA_HOME as a system variable or a user variable. If you set it as a system
variable, it may be necessary to restart your computer for it to take effect. If you set itas a user variable, set it so that the environment in which Tomcat is running can access it.
Java 1.3.1 is the minimum supported JRE for ReportNet.Install j2sdk1.4.2_03 and set the path.
Steps for creating the java environment

1.    Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the JRE location.
2.    Create the following extension directory if it does not exist in your JVM environment:
3.    For JDK, JVM_version\jre\lib\ext
4.    For JRE, JVM_version\lib\ext
5.    Copy the contents of the crn_location\bin\jre\1.3.1\lib\ext directory to the extension directory.
6.    Do not overwrite existing .jar files. If you do, existing applications may not work.
7.    After you install ReportNet components on one or more Windows computers, some configuration tasks are required so that the ReportNet components work in your reporting environment.
Steps to Configure Apache Server

1.    Go to the  directory to crn_Location/crn/webcontent
2.    Copy all the available file from crn_Location/crn/webcontent and paste the files, folders to crn_location/crn/webapps/p2pd/
3.    Start Cognos.
4.    Hit the url -- > http://<IPADRESS>:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch
5.    In the cognos configuration change the default gateway to = http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch 

Screenshot of Cognos 8 Business Intelligence server:-

Screenshot of Cognos 8 Business Intelligence Modelling:-

Screenshot of Cognos 8 Business Intelligence OLAP Modelling:-

Screenshot of Cognos 8 Metrics Manager Server:-

Screenshot of Cognos 8 Business Intelligence Metrics Modelling:-


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