1. What are the partitioning methods available in netezza?
There are two partitioning methods available in netezza:
You can specify up to four columns in the distribution clause?
3.If you did not specify any distribute on clause while creating a table, what distribution netezza uses?
Netezza distributes the data on the first column and it uses Hash partitioning
4. Can you update the columns used in distribution clause?
No, the column that is used in distribution clause cannot be used for updates.
5. What data types are most suited for the columns specified in distribution clause?
6. How do you redistribute a table?
Use Create Table As (CTAS) to redistribute the data in a table. While creating the new table specify the distribute on clause to distribute the data on the new columns.
7. If you did not specify any distribution clause, how the Create Table AS (CTAS) will distribute the rows?
CTAS will get distribution from the original table.
8.How do you check the rows in a table are equally distributed in all SPU's or not?
To check the distribution of rows run the following query
SELECT datasliceid, COUNT(*)FROM <table name> GROUP BY datasliceid
9. What is collocated join?
When you join tables which are distributed on the same key and used these key columns in the join condition, then each SPU in netezza works 100% independent of the other, as the required data is available in itself. This type of joins is called collocated joins.
10. When netezza redistributes a table and when it broadcasts a table?
Whenever it is not possible to do a collocated join, netezza either redistributes the tables or broadcasts the table. When the table is a small one, then netezza broadcasts the table. Otherwise netezza redistributes the table.
11. How do you remove logically deleted records?
Whenever you delete a row in a table, it is not physically deleted. It is logically deleted by flagging the deletexid field in the table. NZRECLAIM utility is used to remove the logically deleted records.
12. What is nzload?
Nzload utility is used load data from a file into a table. It is used to load bulk data quickly and simultaneously rejects erroneous content.
13. What are the ways to load a data from a table into a file?
Create an external table.
Use nzsql utility with -o option.
14. What are the different ways to load data from a file into a table?
Use nzload to load the data from a file into a table
Create an external table and then load the original table using the external table.
15. How netezza updates a row in a table?
Netezza logically deletes the original row by flagging the deletexid column with the current transaction id and inserts a new row with the updated values.
There are two partitioning methods available in netezza:
- Random partitioning: Distributes the data randomly.
- Hash Partitioning: Distributes the data on the specified columns.
You can specify up to four columns in the distribution clause?
3.If you did not specify any distribute on clause while creating a table, what distribution netezza uses?
Netezza distributes the data on the first column and it uses Hash partitioning
4. Can you update the columns used in distribution clause?
No, the column that is used in distribution clause cannot be used for updates.
5. What data types are most suited for the columns specified in distribution clause?
6. How do you redistribute a table?
Use Create Table As (CTAS) to redistribute the data in a table. While creating the new table specify the distribute on clause to distribute the data on the new columns.
7. If you did not specify any distribution clause, how the Create Table AS (CTAS) will distribute the rows?
CTAS will get distribution from the original table.
8.How do you check the rows in a table are equally distributed in all SPU's or not?
To check the distribution of rows run the following query
SELECT datasliceid, COUNT(*)FROM <table name> GROUP BY datasliceid
9. What is collocated join?
When you join tables which are distributed on the same key and used these key columns in the join condition, then each SPU in netezza works 100% independent of the other, as the required data is available in itself. This type of joins is called collocated joins.
10. When netezza redistributes a table and when it broadcasts a table?
Whenever it is not possible to do a collocated join, netezza either redistributes the tables or broadcasts the table. When the table is a small one, then netezza broadcasts the table. Otherwise netezza redistributes the table.
11. How do you remove logically deleted records?
Whenever you delete a row in a table, it is not physically deleted. It is logically deleted by flagging the deletexid field in the table. NZRECLAIM utility is used to remove the logically deleted records.
12. What is nzload?
Nzload utility is used load data from a file into a table. It is used to load bulk data quickly and simultaneously rejects erroneous content.
13. What are the ways to load a data from a table into a file?
Create an external table.
Use nzsql utility with -o option.
14. What are the different ways to load data from a file into a table?
Use nzload to load the data from a file into a table
Create an external table and then load the original table using the external table.
15. How netezza updates a row in a table?
Netezza logically deletes the original row by flagging the deletexid column with the current transaction id and inserts a new row with the updated values.