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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Debugging DataStage parallel jobs

by Unknown  |  at  8:01 PM

Some useful tips of how to debug parallel jobs in datastage.
Enable the following environment variables in DataStage Administrator:
* APT_PM_PLAYER_TIMING – shows how much CPU time each stage uses
* APT_PM_SHOW_PIDS – show process ID of each stage
* APT_RECORD_COUNTS – shows record counts in log
* APT_CONFIG_FILE – switch configuration file (one node, multiple nodes)
* OSH_DUMP – shows OSH code for your job. Shows if any unexpected settings were set by the GUI.
* APT_DUMP_SCORE – shows all processes and inserted operators in your job
* APT_DISABLE_COMBINATION – do not combine multiple stages in to one process. Disabling this will make it easier to see where your errors are occurring.
Use a Copy stage to dump out data to intermediate peek stages or sequential debug files. Copy stages get removed during compile time so they do not increase overhead.
Use row generator stage to generate sample data.
Look at the phantom files for additional error messages: c:\datastage\project_folder\&PH&
To catch partitioning problems, run your job with a single node configuration file and compare the output with your multi-node run. You can just look at the file size, or sort the data for a more detailed comparison (Unix sort + diff commands).


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