korn shell notes
# - comment line
> - output to a file
>> - append to a file
< - input from a file
<<! - redirect from inside a shell script until next !
VAR=value - assigns value to shell variable
echo "$VAR did something" - $ in front of variable name prints value
Special Variables:
$$ - current process id PID
$* - all command line arguments
$# - number of command line arguments
$0 - shell program name
$3 - third argument on command line
$? - return code of last command 0 is usually successful
Control Structures:
end of if is if spelled backwards
elif is else if
if [ $VAR = XXX ]
echo "do something if true"
elif [ -f $FILE -a -r $FILE ]
echo "$FILE is a file and is readable"
echo "do something else if not true
if VAR is null then the above if gives syntax error
if [ "$VAR"x = "XXX"x ] will fix problem
read FILE_NAME - does input in variable
TODAY=`date +"%y/%m/%d %A"` - output date command into variable TODAY
end of case is case spelled backwards
options on case statements do pattern matching
case $FILE in
echo "is a program"
echo "is data"
echo "* is always true"
while [ -f $FILE ]
echo "something if FILE is a UNIX file"
break - will break out of loop
pipe from command
ls dw* |
while read FILE_NAME
grep mailx $FILE_NAME
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "$FILE_NAME has mailx in it"
redirect input from file
while read FILE
echo $FILE
done <inputfile
for FILE in $*
# FILE values come from command line arguments
rm $FILE
true false statements
spaces around [ and ] are absolutely neccessary
also spaces around <>=!= are absolutely neccessary
test -d /dirname is same as [ -d /dirname ]
-f checks for file
-d checks for dir
-r is file readable
-x is file executable
-eq numeric test
-gt numeric test
-ge numeric test
-lt numeric test
-le numeric test
-a and
-o or
!= not equal
<> also not equal
if [ $# -lt 3 ]
echo "Usage: $0 sys dir file"
exit 3
UNIX commands:
lp -d cc099_hp4si28 filename - prints file
cat file1 file2 file3 >newfile - combines file1,2 and 3
tail -3 file1 - displays last 3 lines of file1
head -4 file1 - displays first 4 lines of file1
cp file1 file2 - copies file1 to file2
cp file1 dir - copies file1 into dir
mv file1 file2 - renames file1 to file2
mv file1 file2 file3 dir - moves files 1 thru 3 into dir
wc -c file1 - counts chars in file1
wc -l file1 - counts lines in file1
ls -l & - runs ls -l in background
ls -l | mailx -s"subject" userid - mails results of ls command
mailx -s"testing" kyennara - mails message to kyennara (^d stops)
df -k - disk free space in 1K blocks
bdf - nicer version of abpve
du -s -k /DW - disk usage summary of files in /DW in 1K blocks
grep regexpression file1 file2 - will print lines that match exp
grep -v regexpression file1 - will print lines that do not match exp
grep -i regexpression file1 - will ignore case
fgrep - fast grep
egrep - extended grep
egrep -f regexpfile file1 - will do multiple regexp from regexpfile
the expressions are line1 or line2 or line3
date | cut -c4-7 - cut columns 5 thru 8 month from date command
date | cut -d" " -f4 - cut field 4 time from date command
TABLE=`echo "$TABLE " | cut -c1-10`
- will force TABLE to be 10 chars long
grep $LOGNAME /etc/passwd | cut -d":" -f3 - cuts UNIX group id
pr -t -s -m file1 file2 - will print file1 and file2 side by side
basename $FILE_NAME - will print just the file name not the path
dirname $FILE_NAME - will print the dir the file is in
hostname - prints the UNIX machine name
set - $LINE - will parse LINE into $1 $2 $3 etc
ROWS_NOT_LOADED=`expr $ROWS_NOT_LOADED + $ROWS` - will do math
exit 3 - will exit with return code of 3
who - list users
who -a - lists all fields
ps -ef - lists process table
ps -ef | grep $LOGNAME - lists my process table
ps -f - lists my process table (better method)
ps -ef | grep bawillia - lists Bruce's process table
ps -fu bawillia - lists Bruce's process table (better method)
find all the files with yy and not yyyy
if grep.list has yy[^y]
find . -type f -exec egrep -n -f grep.list {} /dev/null \;
ps -fu $USER | grep -v PID |
while read LINE
set - $LINE
# will kill all $USER processes
kill $PID
Normally ksh is setup to do vi commands on history.
ESC puts you in vi mode.
Arrow keys will not work.
Use h,j,k,l for left,down,up and right.
/^vi will find your last vi command.
dd will create a blank line then hit return to get out of vi mode.
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Basic korn shell notes
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at 8:12 PM
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