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Thursday, December 27, 2012

BusinessObjects - list of values (LOV)

by Unknown  |  in SAP BO at  12:49 AM

What’s a list of values (LOV)

A list of values contains the data values associated with an object. A LOV can have two origins : a database or an external file such as a text or an Excel File.

LOV from Database.

            By default, when you drag and drop a table column to create an object, Business Objects will create an object with an associated LOV. The LOV's name will be a generic one until you change it. The “Restore Default” button will give it back its generic name.

            A LOV is generated by a simple SQL statement like “SELECT DISTINCT TABLE.COLUMN FROM TABLE”. But you can modify the statement by adding some other objects through the Query Panel, you can also add some conditions on these objects.

            You can’t associate a LOV coming from another database because the LOV is linked through the connection - you can use a call to a DBLINK however.

            You can apply an ascending or a descending sort on the LOV, always through the query panel.

Particular example: How to sort the list of values with a number and not with a label when you want the label to be at the first column of your LOV?
If you have the number of month and the 12 months' names as labels, you want your list of values to be sorted as follows:
                                                                 January   1
                                                                 February 2
                                                                 March      3
So you create your list of values as follows :
 Month + number of month, but it now appears like this :

                                                                April      4
                                                                August  8    


Solution: Edit the SQL, Add ORDER BY NUMBER, MONTH and check the option Do not generate SQL before execution, it will solve your problem. You can also apply a sort on number.

 LOV from a flat file

You can also assign personal data to a list of values. This is very useful if you want to allow users to select values among the values stored in an Excel file for example, define personal LOV on product based on Myproduct.xls.

To do this, in Designer module, you have to:
-          Select the 'Lists of Values' command from the Tools menu
-    Select the object whose list of values you wish to edit
-          Click “Personal Data Button”
-          Select a file and a format and run it.
If your external file is sorted in a particular way, note that Business Objects will automatically modify the sort and apply an ascending sort.

Note that you can’t have any dynamic link with the external file, it means that you have to refresh the LOV if your external file has changed.

You can allow 3 things on LOV based on the database :
-          Allow users to edit the LOV
-          Automatic refresh before use
Export with universe (before being exported, a lov must be generated by a display or an edit)


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